Saturday, February 28, 2009

What catch my eyes~~

I like the arrangements of the woods. It remainds me of my kampung~~

The black thing that being hung up was a corn that had been scorch during the cooking by the people there.

unhusked rice~~


still with the texture~~

Bottle gourd~~
Pineapple field~~

Paddy hill~~

I dont no the specific name of this flower~~

A visit to Anna Risah Long House

Happy ler katakan. . .

with Nad, Latifah, Fairoz, Dila & me~~

This is my team the Pink group ~~ goshh!! why pink??!!

Before the long journey~~waiting for the bus to fetch us...SMILE!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kenali Kraftangan Sabah


Hasil tenunan suku kaum Rungus dikenali sebagai inavol. Seni ini ditenun dengan motif tradisi seperti orang-orang, fauna dan flora. Selendang ini juga terkenal sebagi cenderahati di kalangan pelawat asing. Selain itu, selendang ini juga digunakan sebagai sebahagian daripada pakaian tradisi suku kaum Rungus.
Penghasilan tenunan ini ringkas dan mudah serta menggunakan benang tradisi atau dibeli daripada kedai.

Inavol ia a Rungus traditional woven sash. They used traditional motifs such human, fauna and flora. This sash is famous as a gift for the tourist. The sash is used as part of the traditional costume of Rungus.
This back-strap weaving technology is simple snd easy by using the traditional thread or purchased from the shop.

Saging adalah salah satu daripada bakul sikutan yang dianyam daripada buluh dan mempunyai motif tradisi murut.Sikutan jenis ini biasanya dipakai oleh kaum wanita untuk mengankut barang yang ringan semasa ke ladang.
Saging is a Murut bacak-strapped basket made of bamboo woven with traditional motifs. This type of basket is used by the women to carry lighter item to their farm.

Manik Rungus

Manik merupakan salah satu daripada seni kraf suku kaum Rungus daripada daerah Kudat. Ia digubah daripada manic-manik plastic yang berwarna-warni yang dibeli daripada kedai dengan motif tradisi seperti fauna dan flora.
Kebiasaannya ia diusahakan oleh kaum wanita di masa lapang mereka sebagai salah satu daripada mata pencarian hidup mereka. Masakini seni kraf ini amat popular di sabah seperti perhiasan diri, gelang, rantai, cincin dan sebainya. Kraf ini bukan sahaja dijadikan sebagai perhiasan diri tetapi dijadikan sebagai hadiah kepada para pelancong.

The beads from Kudat district are today made of plastic but traditional motifs of flora and fauna are still employed.
Usually, making beads are done by the women during their leisure time as one of their source of income. Nowadays this art is popular in sabah since beads are used as decorative ornaments and as souvenirs to the tourists.

sumber: event Merry x-mas[KK, sabah,2007]

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Old days~~

Me & my form5 [sc] classmate...SMK INANAM[Semai] 2005

SUKMA KE-9 di negeri Sabah! we are only doing cheering for PENANG Nichole Ann David (^_^)b

Ayaa!! one of scondary school activity that i'll remember for the rest of my life (^_^)b.Guess which one is me?? ermmm...i'm the Sultan huh!

Rijwan[medical assistant], Harjit[UMS], Mazlan[M.I.A], Sallehan[M.I.A].Yup they are my x-classmate [form5 science] still contect with 'not so macho' guy Rijwan & Harjit.

A moment at UNIMAS bridge

woo...chill out!

That is Unimas lake & far at the back is International college & also Alamanda college [where I have stay for almost 3years]

me, cha & them on the bridge & force them to take picture with me ha ha haa!

Actually, I wanted to hold or point the tower with my finger but it didn't work[that looks like an illusion]...well what the hell? at least im already in my blog showing all of you that im there hua hua hua...

This is what makes Unimas popular I think? water tower thats the name & near it is cafe. Delicious food! Really if im loaded [la..] for sure every day you all can see me there...=p

Friday, February 13, 2009

Outing~watch SIFU&TONGA movie

well, the lighting is bad but still I like this composition...who care?hahaa!!

This is my classmate...together we watch 'Sifu&Tonga' movie~~huhuu

yeah! the shortest one is ctFairoz for sure hu hu hu...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Student sell food?

Who can say NO to food? [not me =p] the owner name is Sue she is selling one of the famous food in Peninsular[don't no which part] that is Nasi Kerabu & Nasi Dagang.

These is my lovely friends Nurul, Nisa & me of course. They sell Nasi Kerabu also & it taste absolutelly delicious!!

Irresistible! This Nasi Kerabu got many 'laut pauk' & what unique also about this local food is the rice were colored in blue.

With my classmate Nor, she is selling handmade souvenirs & perfumes GO!!GO!! main Putri hehee!!

well this is what the Cempaka bazar looks like...
p/s: Yesterday me & Miss Atty went to Cempaka Bazar & we have found that it's actually a brilliant event! a successful activity that mostly student involved & participate in selling variation of yummy food. Go!! Go!! [goshh!! I have spend quite some money that day hehehee...]

Cap Goh Mei at Alamanda

Miss Atty & her classmate enjoy the event...

The lions feel tired because dancing like crazy to entertain students hohoo...

Quite dissappoited with the chinese dancing, why? it's too short & I didn't even got full capturing the video...walaa...

Look out!! the Lions its coming...grab your limau!! & walk home!! hahaa..

yossh!! it's me smiling to get the college chop hehee...
p/s: goshh! thanks to my friend Miss Atty because invite me [at that time I'm in my dream world huhu] to attend this event. If not, for sure I'll not know what is actually my college is doing with all the red lamp & canopy out side my room hee...(^__^).

Aktivit Kolej Alamanda

Nak warnakan apa yee...ermm biru?merah?kuning? semua laa...huhu

ehee...cop tapak tangan & tulisan...[da lupa tulis apa]

owhh yaa...saya tulis 'No War just Peace'

Miss Eta & Miss Atty, my old them (^_^)b

Student kat Alamanda menyokong kempen Stop War yg berlaku kat org2 Palestine.

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